Anger is the easiest emotion and I think anyone must feel that, of course, but on reflection, I believe it did something that if Trump's army of supporters had marched peacefully, rather than violently, then we would be in a far worse place today than we are. Trump as a force for bad could go on. Republicans could ignore what he tried in Georgia, they would still be allowed to like the man or as some of your clients, the idea that the market is at an all time high and taxes an all time low, but the attack, the desecration of the Capital on live television, the deaths, and then the regaining control and the votes to affirm what we all knew to be true, and followed by the President's faulty words, all made it impossible or the Republicans, the ones who were riding his coattails or worried about their own tails in future elections, not to hide behind -- its just Donald being Donald.
When I wrote my novel, The Phoenix Year, over sometime in the 1990's, long before it was published, I included a version of Donald Trump as a self promoting and failing real estate executive whose portfolio of prime sites was needed as part of the plot. In some ways that self promoting vision of the man is benign compared to Donald the President. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined him as President. So if there is a silver living from this it is that he has done what I imagined might have been the real purpose of his life -- to show us as we really are, not as we imagine we are, to break the illusion of the Republican Party as a Party of conservative political thinkers, moral and upright, but rather that they have been, since Lyndon Johnson passed the civil rights act, and Richard Nixon opened the door for the Southern branch of the Democratic Party to migrate to the Republicans, for where there strength really lies, in a party that is White, older, and possibly wanting to preserve the world of their fathers, not the world of today. So the rioters did everyone a service, they allowed the Republicans who have some fibre of courage to break with Trump if they so desire, and they allowed other people who aligned with the Republican Party the freedom to become Independents or even Democrats and disengage from the Trump Party, as his sons so aptly coined it. Unlike Hitler, I don't expect Donald to write his own version of Mein Kampf during his exile, but you never know.
A revised three book version of the Phoenix Year, updated to include Donald Trump as President of the United States in Volume 1 will be released next year under the title of The Phoenix Agenda trilogy -- Book 1 Ancient and Honorable Society of the Phoenix; Book 2 - The Phoenix Storm and Book 3 -- Phoenix Rising.
When I wrote my novel, The Phoenix Year, over sometime in the 1990's, long before it was published, I included a version of Donald Trump as a self promoting and failing real estate executive whose portfolio of prime sites was needed as part of the plot. In some ways that self promoting vision of the man is benign compared to Donald the President. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined him as President. So if there is a silver living from this it is that he has done what I imagined might have been the real purpose of his life -- to show us as we really are, not as we imagine we are, to break the illusion of the Republican Party as a Party of conservative political thinkers, moral and upright, but rather that they have been, since Lyndon Johnson passed the civil rights act, and Richard Nixon opened the door for the Southern branch of the Democratic Party to migrate to the Republicans, for where there strength really lies, in a party that is White, older, and possibly wanting to preserve the world of their fathers, not the world of today. So the rioters did everyone a service, they allowed the Republicans who have some fibre of courage to break with Trump if they so desire, and they allowed other people who aligned with the Republican Party the freedom to become Independents or even Democrats and disengage from the Trump Party, as his sons so aptly coined it. Unlike Hitler, I don't expect Donald to write his own version of Mein Kampf during his exile, but you never know.
A revised three book version of the Phoenix Year, updated to include Donald Trump as President of the United States in Volume 1 will be released next year under the title of The Phoenix Agenda trilogy -- Book 1 Ancient and Honorable Society of the Phoenix; Book 2 - The Phoenix Storm and Book 3 -- Phoenix Rising.